Adaptive Learning System Plario

Unique adaptive learning system currently focused on mathematics. Plario started as a joint project by ENBISYS and Tomsk State University. We aim to increase learning outcomes and achieve this efficiently with unique Machine Learning algorithms

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Adaptive exercise selection

The system builds up personalized learning track depending on student’s initial competencies’ level and further progress

Continuous real time knowledge assessment

Adaptive learning system assesses student’s progress during task performance. Based on that data the learning track is adjusted

High engagement and motivation rates

Gamification level has proven to be effective for learning materials retention

List of tasks

“The most efficient way to learn is to learn individually, from private tutor. Plario enables the option of personalized tutoring to every student”

Strategic Session

Tomsk State University, July 2018


Adaptive learning benefits

Adaptive learning system Plario has been created as an online platform. It’s totally new system that considers modern students’ behavior and habits. Plario provides personalized learning

Knowledge domain model

Ontology: system of metadescriptions and competencies graph


Unique technology for content suggestions including micro doses of theoretical material

Content management module

Teachers can easily create adaptive content with Plario’ special techniques

Student’ digital twin

Assessment testing data is used to predict how learning materials will be mastered by the student

Integration with LMS

We developed special integration modules to Learning Management Systems and use LTI protocol

User Experience

Plario’ intuitive design makes work in the system convenient and effective


Frequently Asked Questions

Plario runs diagnostic express-assessment and builds student’s digital twin using genetic algorithms. This allows to define the blind spots which should be trained first.

Find out more about adaptive learning in Universities/Colleges

Plario develops and soon there will be new options available:

  • Open questions (mathematics)
  • Additional content provision options
  • Mobile version
Find out more
Example of task

Our team

The successful development of Plario Adaptive learning system was made thanks to our brilliant team and well-coordinated work




co-founder at ENBISYS, chief data scientist



Associate professor

Probability Theory and Statistics, Tomsk State University

Contact us

Contact Details


ENBISYS, Russian Federation, Tomsk, 8/8 Akademicheskiy prospect, 634055

Tomsk State University, Russian Federation, Tomsk, 36 Lenina prospect, 634050

+7 3822 990049

+7 906 949 34 89, техническая поддержка Plario